How to contribute to Apache AGE
Hello, today we bring the news of Apache AGE and how you can help its incubating stage!
Apache AGE v0.3.0 Released!
Apache AGE (incubating) has released its first alpha version (v0.3.0) at the end of last month. Release notes (click HERE for more details) state the openCypher functionality for standard and user-defined functions has been added and is currently working on aggregating function support. Many more features are added, so you’re welcome to try out the new version of Apache AGE as many times as you want! Just remember to give us some feedback in return. The Apache AGE team needs support from developers around the world and here is how you can be part of the project.
What can I do to contribute?
As mentioned on Apache AGE official website, you may propose a change to documentation or contribute bug reports. Another way is to help Apache AGE understand other programming languages through API development.
In case you didn’t know, Apache AGE is an extension to PostgreSQL with graph database functionality. Apache AGE is written in C and we are aware that there are a limited number of people who use PostgreSQL and know how to use that specific language.
That is precisely why we are seeking people who program with other languages such as Python, GO, C#, Java, and Node.JS, etc. If we are to develop a driver/API from said programming languages (as shown in the image above), more programmers will be able to get access to Apache AGE and try out its graph features on PostgreSQL.
AG Viewer on Apache AGE
For example, our R&D team is currently working on AG Viewer (written in Node.JS), a graph visualization tool for Apache AGE. Once the team of Node.JS developers creates a bridge between Apache AGE and AgensViewer, not only will Apache AGE be linked with a visualization tool, but also be accessible by Node.JS users.
Contact us for more information and directions!
Josh Innis, one of Apache AGE’s core developers said, “Where AGE ends is up to the community as a whole to decide.”
Rome wasn’t built in a day and nor will Apache AGE be prepared for release just by having driver/API attached, documents edited, and bugs reported. These are a few of many steps we must take to fully develop Apache AGE. We cannot achieve the milestone without the support from the community of developers.
That is why we appreciate all the help we can get to see this project done. Thank you for taking interest in this project and if you are willing to contribute, welcome aboard the ship sailing for new territory.
Feel free to contact us via email or leave an issue on Apache AGE GitHub. We will answer to the best of our ability and give you directions on how to contribute to the project.
Thank you!
Apache AGE Team.